« previous The title says it all: Cowboys & Aliens. How could one not be interested in a premise as simple as that, even if it does come off as silly? This comic adaptation from Iron Man director Jon Favreau, starring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig should have drawn in audiences with ease, and yet it didn’t. […] next »

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

The title says it all: Cowboys & Aliens. How could one not be interested in a premise as simple as that, even if it does come off as silly? This comic adaptation from Iron Man director Jon Favreau, starring Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig should have drawn in audiences with ease, and yet it didn't. For all of the intrigue of how 19th-century cowboys would fare against advanced aliens, the film doesn't do anything visually interesting, despite all the talent involved. The film didn't lean quite far enough into its sci-fi element, and its depiction of the alien antagonists was rather simple. 

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