« previous Beyond comic book films, Hollywood was desperately searching for new sources to fuel big tentpole projects at the onset of the last decade. Then in 2010 Disney released Tim Burton’s re-imagining of their classic animated film based on Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice in Wonderland. That would set off Hollywood’s race to adapt other classic stories […] next »

Best – Live-action Remakes/Re-imaginings

Beyond comic book films, Hollywood was desperately searching for new sources to fuel big tentpole projects at the onset of the last decade. Then in 2010 Disney released Tim Burton's re-imagining of their classic animated film based on Lewis Carroll's novel Alice in Wonderland. That would set off Hollywood's race to adapt other classic stories and re-imagine them for modern audiences. Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, and The Jungle Book (pictured) were some of the early properties adapted by various studios. Following the success of Aladdin and The Lion King, it doesn't seem like the trend will end anytime soon.

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