« previous The moviegoing experience has been at the forefront this decade, thanks to the rise of streaming services. Theaters have done their best to keep audiences invested in the big screen experience. Some of the earliest examples to come out was the re-emergence of 3D, a technology unavailable in most homes. Reserved seating was the next […] next »

Best – Rise of Premium Theater-going Experiences

The moviegoing experience has been at the forefront this decade, thanks to the rise of streaming services. Theaters have done their best to keep audiences invested in the big screen experience. Some of the earliest examples to come out was the re-emergence of 3D, a technology unavailable in most homes. Reserved seating was the next step, but soon specialty theaters were on the rise. From in-theater dining offering alcohol and full meals with luxurious seating, to new viewing formats like 4-D and ScreenX (pictured), the emphasis was on providing the best theater-going experience possible for a reasonable price. Gimmicky as some of these premiums are, it doesn't change the fact that a good amount of audiences bought into the notion to make movie night just that much more special, and in the case of certain films, a truly memorable cinematic experience.

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