« previous Based on the true story of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama, Captain Phillips portrays its titular character as quite a hero. This comes in stark contrast to members of the Maersk Alabama’s crew criticizing Captain Richard Phillips’ handling of the situation. In a legal case after the incident, members of the crew […] next »

Captain Phillips (2013)

Based on the true story of the 2009 hijacking of the U.S.-flagged Maersk Alabama, Captain Phillips portrays its titular character as quite a hero. This comes in stark contrast to members of the Maersk Alabama's crew criticizing Captain Richard Phillips' handling of the situation. In a legal case after the incident, members of the crew moved to sue Phillips, alleging that the captain was well aware of the dangers presented by Somali pirates in the region, but decided to travel through those waters anyway, in order to deliver their shipment faster. Additionally, the real Richard Phillips never offered himself up to be taken or shot instead of his crew, removing one of his more sacrificial actions in the movie. 

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