« previous The classic film Jerry Maguire (1996) starring Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr. has been considered a cultural force for years. While Cruise, the lead of the film was well-known, Gooding was branded as the true star of the story. Medium said, “On the jock front, however, Gooding is so believable in his role as […] next »

Jerry Maguire – Cuba Gooding Jr. outshines Tom Cruise

The classic film Jerry Maguire (1996) starring Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr. has been considered a cultural force for years. While Cruise, the lead of the film was well-known, Gooding was branded as the true star of the story. Medium said, "On the jock front, however, Gooding is so believable in his role as Jerry's selfish, pea-brained, wide receiver client that the Dallas Cowboys might consider signing him…" Gooding is still remembered today for the internet meme "Show me the money!" Both Cruise and Gooding Jr. were nominated for Academy Awards for Jerry Maguire, but only Gooding won a trophy, for Best Supporting Actor.

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