« previous Veteran actor Jack Palance, while accepting his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the comedy City Slickers, decided to use the platform to discuss ageism in Hollywood — and show off his killer biceps. He said: “When you reach a certain age plateau, the producers say, they talk about you, and they say ‘Well, what […] next »

Jack Palance

Veteran actor Jack Palance, while accepting his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the comedy City Slickers, decided to use the platform to discuss ageism in Hollywood -- and show off his killer biceps. He said: "When you reach a certain age plateau, the producers say, they talk about you, and they say 'Well, what do you think? Can we risk it? Can we do it? Can we use him?' The other one says 'I don't know. Let's look at some younger ones, we can make them look older but this one, it's kind of difficult.' But they forget, they forget to ask that you go out there and do all these things. Like for instance, you go out there and you do these..." And proceeded to do one-armed push ups on the stage. It's important to note he was 73 years old at the time.

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