« previous Time difference: 4 months apart.  Here we have an interesting case as Sony launched legal action against Skyline directors The Brothers Strause and the owners of Hydraulx VFX. The suit claimed that Hydraulx VFX had not informed Sony they were working on special effects for a competing film when they were brought on to work […] next »

Skyline vs Battle: Los Angeles

Time difference: 4 months apart. 

Here we have an interesting case as Sony launched legal action against Skyline directors The Brothers Strause and the owners of Hydraulx VFX. The suit claimed that Hydraulx VFX had not informed Sony they were working on special effects for a competing film when they were brought on to work on special effects for Battle: Los Angeles. With a scheduled release just four months apart and focusing on alien invasions centered around the city of Los Angeles, the obviousness of the similarities would leave some confused. Ultimately the suit was thrown out, and Skyline barely broke even at the box office. An eventual sequel was made seven years later, while Battle: Los Angeles would earn a solid $211 million worldwide. 

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