Twilight - User Reviews

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3.92 / 5

User Rating User rating: 3.92

Based on 20025 votes and 1274 reviews

  • User rating: 3.92 56.32%
  • User rating: 3.92 13.30%
  • User rating: 3.92 11.00%
  • User rating: 3.92 5.12%
  • User rating: 3.92 14.27%

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Showing 1001 to 1050 of 1274

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

It was the most amazing movie I have EVER seen !!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

if you have never read the books, I think that you would think that this movie was amazing... although if you have read the books,you would know that the connection between bella and edward wasn't all there... more of a concrete plot and timeline needed to be in place. I thought that Jacob was amazing and the kitchen scene with the Cullen's was halarious. I can't wait for New Moon and hopefully they will take reviews into account and be able to improve thespecial effects... :P. I did love it, BUT the books take all.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008


User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

They cut out all the important little parts of the book that makes you fall in love with the characters. It moved way to fast and I felt no connection with the characters . It should of had a budget like Harry Potter. I will still very happy to see it and loved the cast, they did a great job.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

The chemistry between the characters was AMAZING ~I loved Edward and Bella

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Saw the movie, Its romantic, exact base story of the novel although its also very funny I thought the movie was pretty good, except that they fell in love way too fast i wish they would put more time into the falling in love parts

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I have to say now that i hear they've had a low budget i understand y it felt more like a documantery then a hollywood movie. I think the actors suite the parts perfectly (i dont think anyone could have played it better). But as far as the connection and awkwardeness-i don't know. It felt a little underdeveloped. I'm still planning on seeing the sequal, but hopefully it's more hollywood. either way i love the books, and love the movie, and would see it again.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

huge fan of the books but the movie was so disapointing... the actors were good except for bella but the movie was very fasted paced. It all happened so fast. there wasn't much chemistry with bella and edward either.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I havent seen this movie but from my friends poitn's of views i would like to say that this movie is HOR-RIB-LE! It has no acting experience in it, the plot was sad and it didn't catch anyone's attention. That's what my friends say,I will go see it and probably have the same impression but for the most part I think they should just stop making the movies.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Very good movie. Went a little fast, but it caught all the essentials and there were even some quotes from the book which was nice. In reality, how moch stuff can they really fit into a 2 hour movie?

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

i loved this movie! they may have changed a few but it was still good! And they couldn't fit everything in the movie.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

We liked the movie, but there were some parts that made us mad. The forgot some important parts. It was awesome , but disappointing at the same time . . .

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

this movie was great! i loved it, but as good as the books, but it was sill amazing, the only think i didnt like was i thought that kristen stewart was a bit dry...

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

The book was better, but the movie had some funny scenes that made up for the natural over-editing necessary to cut a 700 page book into a 2-hour movie.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

OMG! DA BEST MOVIE EVER! A 5 star movie. The book is amazing, but the movie did great too GO EDWARD AND BELLA!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I have read the book and this is the first time I've enjoyed the movie as much as I enjoyed the book. I really enjoyed the actor that played James. WOW is right!!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Oh my god. This was the worst movie ever. I was EXTREMELY disappointed. The movie was just so slow, there was no character development, and there was barely any dialogue. The whole movie was just very awkward and boring. Why does Jasper repel people? Isn't he suppose to be charismatic and everyone should love him? The movie was missing many important points in the book that would have made the movie so much better. Edward should have been more confident in his speech but he was always like "uhh, umm.." blah blah. And Bella was probably the worst out of them all. She like never smiled and she was just such a bad actress. There was no chemistry between the two lovers. The book is about the int

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

The male cast were hot! hot! hot! The acting wasn't that great but the storyline following the book good enough for a film.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Wasn't expecting the movie to be done as well as the book, but I wasn't too much disappointed in the movie. Wish that some scenes were drawn out a little more and would had liked to had seen more intensity between Bella and Edward. My only big disappointment was that more of the movie soundtrack wasn't played. Best scene was the baseball game with all the Cullens and the music that went with it. That's one scene of the scenes that should have been longer.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Bad casting and the filming was horrible, but overall I really enjoyed it. It stayed true to the story. and it was better then what I had expected considering how poorly they make movies from books. I would see it again though.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Twilight was a great movie. However, the chemistry between bella and edward was a little dull. But in general the moviw was awsome! a must see. 5 stars

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

This movie is the best and so are the books!!!!!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

poorly acted, missing the esential life of the characters of the book, poor pacing. Why was the movie about James.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

it was the best movie in the world. WOOTWOOT!!!! but not as good as good as the book, the book kikked ass.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I was disappointed with the movie. There were times when I would start to see the connection between Bella and Edward but for the most part I thought this was a 30-something directors take on the love of the century, and I didn't connect with it. Having said all that, I will be the first in line to see New Moon when and if they make it. Hopefully they will have a bigger budget, the actors will listen to the publics input and the film will dazzle in a way that Twilight didn't.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I <3 this movie but i think the books better

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

good enuf to keep me away from sleeping! anyways, was a good one :)

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

This movie was absoutly amazing !!!!I cant wait to see it again !!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

For such a low budget I think they did great with the movie. I went in not expecting it to be like the books and I wasn't disappointed. The acting was great I think people just expect for Edward too look pretty all the time and don't understand that he actually needs to look like he is in pain. I'd love to see a sequel, but I really hope they improve because when it comes to edward and bella's love...I didn'f feel it in this movie.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

The movie was great! it did go by a little fast tho. we didnt see their love develop but the actors were great

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Wow! thats all i can say. It was an amazing love story. I almost cried because it is so touching. I can't wait till the next movie.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I read every book of the Twilight series, and for a movie coming from a book, I thought it was awesome!!!!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I watched Twilight the day it came out. I was super excited to see the movie and waited in line for two hours with my friends to make sure we got in. The line up after a few hours was insanely long. The movie was a such a disappointment. Bella's acting was monotone and dull, however Pattinson portrayed Edward's character to a T. As for the rest of the cast they were pretty intense, which was good to see, since most of the movie was down-played. The evil vampire cohort were not scary at all. James was the only convincing vampire, and Victoria was just a pretty face. The biggest disappointment of the night however, was the lack of the should-have-been obvious relationship between Bella and Edw

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

This was the worst movie ever. I understand that it's difficult to incorporate all the details a book had into a movie. The main characters Bella and Edward DID NOT HAVE ANY CHEMISTRY AT ALL!!!! The acting was terrible as was make-up and the overall look of the vampires. They were suppose to be graceful when talking not awkward and lanky. Very disappointing!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Hey i just saw the movie and i am a true Twilight fan so i loved the movie, i think it would be a different story if you haven't read the book, there were many times in the movie that it was helpful that you understood the background information that was in the novel. I thought the movie moved in such a fast paste an i was a little disappointed with the meow scene, but its just a given that the novels are always better!, i recommend that you read them to get the true story!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008


User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

The person who wrote that imprinting is pedophilia... WTH! ARE YOU DOING READING TWILIGHT ANYWAYS????? It's not real, and it's in a book, so I suggest you deal with it! Imprinting is a natural werewolf habit, and it's what Stephenie Meyer decided to write about, so I don't think that you should put your two cents in. (comment is in page 2) But anyways, the movie was great! I absolutely loved it!... Although I don't really appreciate people bashing on the actors this much, like some people said, it was hard for Robert to be edward since everybody has a different view on them. Just cut them some slack, I think they did an amazing job, and if you didn't think so, don't bother going to see the

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Disappointing. PERIOD

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I am a total fan of the Twilight series books (the fourth was a little off the wall and too reminicient of Anne Rice's Taltos)but I was disappointed in the movie. Why can't a movie be as good as a book? Eragon, Gone with the Wind, Golden Compass, Harry Potter are only a few I can name right now that were just as good in either book or movie format. I think they downplayed the whole Bella/Edward connection to the audience and could have been written better.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Seemed low budget

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I have to admit that I'm not crazy about Kristen Stewerts acting but I have hopes that she (and everyone) grow into there characters. I thought at FIRST that the begining, the introductions to the charaters and the love interest progression was rushed... HOWEVER, then I realized that the movie is given, generally, a 1.5 to 2 hour run time (especailly because of the main age group of the audience) before people start getting ansy, a BOOK on the other hand has all the time in the world, to just add another chapter and give the reader a better idea of each person and how the protagonist feels towards them. I am in no way disappointed with the movie, it's not exactly how I pictured scenes in my

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I thought the movie was pretty good, it was probably the first time I read a book and went to see the movie for it and I was not disippointed. They didn't do it exactly like the book, the book was way better, but the movie was still really good.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I'm not sure if reading the book before seeing the movie helped or hindered. I absolutely loved the book which of course gave me great expectations for the movie to live up to, but I'm not sure I could have easily followed the movie had I not read the book first. It was pretty jumpy with the scenes and it felt rushed especially the relationship between Bella and Edward. I realize it's a 500 page book condensed to a 2 hour movie on a budget, but come on! That's the story, right? The budding and building of their love. I thought the actors did fairly well but the direction was scattered. The scenery was spectacular when Bella and Edward were hauling ass up trees and through the forests; I def

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008


User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

There was not enough emphasis on developing the intense connection between Bella and Edward. When Bella declares that she loves Edward, I was thinking "how? you've barely interacted yet!". There were many scenes true to the book and the last half was better than the first but it definitely could've been done better. Kristen stuttered and blinked excessively while Robert's facial expressions sometimes caused giggles versus intense empathy for his suffering...

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I loved this movie with a passion! I thought they did an amazing job with the acting. Robert Pattinson was perfect. He played Edward soo good, all his emotions were so well acted. You can really tell when he is confused, angry, upset and happy. I think Robert Pattinson did amazingly in this movie. Oh and it also helps that he is THE MOST INCREDIBLY DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP BECAUSE OF HIS GOOD LOOKS MAN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!! I LOVED TWILIGHT !!! <3 --- MEGAN ---

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

I thought the movie was... AMAZING!?!! Robert Pattinson is so freakin' gorgeous in it, I seriously don't even understand how somebody could be that amazingly gorgeous! He did a very good job with the character.

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

Loved the movie!! You cant put 500 pages into 2 I was very happy with what I saw and plan to see a couple more times. The whole cast was awesome!!

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

it's really good <3 i luv it

User review rating: 0 November 22, 2008

the movie was horrible. the main characters could not act to save their lives. alot of key parts of the book were left out of the movie and a lot of useless stuff was added. the actual movie looked very cheaply made. the books were ten bazillion times better and i would not go and see the movie for the second book.

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