« previous The past decade finally saw famed cinematographer Roger Deakins win his first Oscar after 13 nominations, for his work on Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049. However, the choice for the Best Cinematography winner of the decade has to go to one of Emmanuel Lubezki’s unprecedented three consecutive wins. While his use of natural lighting in […] next »

Best Cinematograpy: Gravity (2014)

The past decade finally saw famed cinematographer Roger Deakins win his first Oscar after 13 nominations, for his work on Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049. However, the choice for the Best Cinematography winner of the decade has to go to one of Emmanuel Lubezki’s unprecedented three consecutive wins. While his use of natural lighting in The Revenant was masterful and the illusion of his single-take in Birdman was captivating, it was his work on his first Oscar win in Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity that still stands out as his best. That he achieved such a stunning look in an entirely artificial environment is impressive in its own right, with Gravity being a taste of what was to come in the following years.

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