« previous The Gossip Girl reboot epically missed the mark set by its predecessor, which offered a melodramatic plot that took place across Manhattan, the Hamptons, and Europe. The best, and perhaps now most controversial part was that the privileged adolescents of the Upper East Side were not aware that they were, in fact, privileged. This made […] next »

Gossip Girl (2021) / Gossip Girl (2007)

The Gossip Girl reboot epically missed the mark set by its predecessor, which offered a melodramatic plot that took place across Manhattan, the Hamptons, and Europe. The best, and perhaps now most controversial part was that the privileged adolescents of the Upper East Side were not aware that they were, in fact, privileged. This made watching the show an out-of-body experience. Taking a more "woke" stance, the reboot suffers from making its characters aware of their privilege. This is because "Gossip Girl" – previously a gossip platform – is now a group of teachers bent on teaching their privileged students a lesson. This does not pay homage to the original series, rather producing a commentary on social media, wealth, and bullying. Additionally, while the new cast is multiracial, which is a welcome change, the characters are more one-dimensional than ever, and though they are vaguely reminiscent of the original cast, they are not iconic in the same way.

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