Leading Ladies

Cameron Diaz

Home | Leading Ladies | Cameron Diaz

Birthday: August 30, 1972
Hometown: San Diego, California, United States
Social Status: Single

After garnering public interest in 1997 with A Life Less Ordinary and My Best Friend’s Wedding, Cameron Diaz dazzled as the object of much male affection in There’s Something About Mary (1998), then catapulted to fame in 2000 with Charlie’s Angels. Diaz has also voiced Princess Fiona in all the movies in the Shrek dynasty.
“It’s been fifteen years now, and I really feel like I’m just understanding it,” Diaz told Vogue of her career. “You know, the toolbox is just taking shape. And I like that because, if you are lucky, life’s a long journey, and I love the learning process. There are so many movies that I still want to make, so many different kinds.”
Last year she starred in the romantic comedy What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher, and showed audiences she could tackle drama by playing an emotionally fraught mother in My Sister’s Keeper, costarring Abigail Breslin and Alec Baldwin. In her latest, The Box, she stars with James Marsden as the other half of a couple who receives a box containing a button: if the cash-strapped pair presses the button, they’ll come into some serious cash—but with grave consequences.
Diaz told ScreenCraveshe was attracted to the film because of the existential side of the moral question it posed. “We push a button every single day in some way or another with the decisions that we make on every level, from the food that we eat to the car that we drive. Every decision we make is pushing a button, and overall, are those decisions ultimately going to lead to our demise? Yes. Can they also lead to us flourishing? Yes. It’s a matter of whether we question ourselves on a day-to-day basis, like, ‘What does this mean? What does this decision really mean?’ That’s what I saw in this film when I first read it.” —Marissa Stapley-Ponikowski

Upcoming Films:
Shrek Forever After (2010) (voice)
The Box (October 2009)

Selected Filmography:
My Sister’s Keeper
What Happens in Vegas
In Her Shoes
Vanilla Sky
Charlie’s Angels
There’s Something About Mary
My Best Friend’s Wedding
The Mask

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