« previous There’s no doubt that Natalie Portman is a great actor. She even won several awards for her performance in V for Vendetta, but she doesn’t seem to have an ear for accents. Her British accent in this film comes and goes, sounding upper class at times, then switching to lower class in the same sentence. […] next »

Natalie Portman – V for Vendetta (2005)

There's no doubt that Natalie Portman is a great actor. She even won several awards for her performance in V for Vendetta, but she doesn't seem to have an ear for accents. Her British accent in this film comes and goes, sounding upper class at times, then switching to lower class in the same sentence. Sometimes it just disappears. At least it's better than her first attempt at a British accent in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Watch for her to appear later in this same gallery. Accents just aren't her thing.

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